IEEE ICSPCC 2019 was successfully held in Dalian
2019-09-29 10:50

On September 20~22, 2019, under the support of the International Cooperation Department and theSchool of Marine Science and Technology, the 9th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing(ICSPCC 2019), jointly hosted by Northwestern Polytechnical University, IEEE Xi'an Branch, IEEE Hong Kong Branch and Dalian University of Technology, was held in Dalian, Liaoning.

During one and a half year of the preparation, the organizing committee staff has carried out a lot of work in meeting application, propaganda, location, expert invitation, paper review and publication to ensure the quality of the conference. More than 150 papers were accepted for the conference, which lasted for 3 days. Three keynote reports, four special sessions, five special guest reports, 28 regular chapters and one student paper contest were organized. More than 200 domestic and foreign experts and representatives from many countries and regions attended the conference to discuss the latest scientific and technological achievements and cutting-edge development trends in signal processing, communication and computing. It has attracted many students to communicate with the international high-level researchers, which provided a great platform for international communication. The conference co-organizers also include Xidian University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the City University of Hong Kong.

The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Professor Zhang Zesong from the City University of Hong Kong. Professor Huang Jianguo of the School of Marine Science and Technology, Professor Cai Chaosheng of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Dong Guohai of Dalian University of Technology, and the Chairman of the Technical Committee of the conference and Professor Chen Jingdong in our University gave speeches and expressed sincere thanks of the invited experts and the participants.

This conference presented three keynote reports, including the keynote report titled "Data-driven Methods in Signal Processing and Communication" by Professor Biing-Hwang (Fred) Juang of Georgia Institute of Technology, "Integrated Networking, Caching and Computing: A Big Data Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach" by Professor Victor C.M. Leung of the University of British Columbia, Canada.

This conference organized four workshops on underwater optical communication, remote sensing image processing and application, distributed adaptive filtering and underwater acoustic communication, and it invited 5 well-known scholars to make reports. Jie Qing, Professor of Fudan University, gave a chapter report entitled “Enabling Technologies for High-speed LED Based Underwater Visible Light Communications”. Zou Bin, Professor of Harbin Institute of Technology, gave a chapter report entitled “Advanced Polarimetric Target Decomposition Techniques”. Ling Qing from Sun Yat-sen University gave a chapter report entitled “RSA: Byzantine-Robust Stochastic Aggregation Methods for Distributed Learning from Heterogeneous Datasets”. And Tao Jun from Southeast University gave a chapter report entitled “A Fast Proportionate RLS Adaptive Equalization for Underwater Acoustic Communications”.

The conference organized a paper contest for students. 10 outstanding candidate papers were selected from 205 papers through discussion by the organizing committee. This paper contest report was judged by 6 experts, and a total of 1 first prize and 2 second prizes were awarded. Tian tian, a master student of the School of Marine Science and Technology in our university, won the first prize. Zhao Shiduo, a master student of the Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Seong KyuLeem, a master student of Hanyang University, won the second prize respectively.

Members of the ICSPC conference committee, including our teachers, IEEE Xi'an Branch and IEEE Hong Kong Branch discussed the arrangement and organization of the ICSPCC 2019, and focused on high-quality convening and recording of the meeting report. The organizing committee discussed the preliminary preparations for the ICSPCC 2020 to be held in Macau in 2020 and the ICSPCC 2021 in Xi'an in 2021.

ICSPCC was initiated in 2011 by Professor Huang Jianguo from the School of Marine Science and Technology in our university, which is jointly held by Northwestern Polytechnical University, IEEE Xi'an Branch and IEEE Hong Kong Branch. It has been held nine successful sessions in Xi'an, Hong Kong, Kunming, Ningbo, Guilin, Xiamen, Qingdao and Dalian, and all papers were indexed by EI. The quality of the conference was steadily improved.
